In order to fulfill the mission of providing a place of discovery, rest and retreat for all ages, some very important tools are needed. Some of them are needed this year, and some are future developments.
Here is our wish list for 2018:
Picnic tables
Building Bridges
Maintain Trails, Landscaping
Organizing and Prepping buildings for summer camp
Worthy Camper Fund: Financial donations for this fund will help us provide for those children who would like to come to camp but cannot afford to.
Enhancing our Waterfront activities: We are currently looking into bringing inflatable products.
Financial donations to replace the current Polaris Rangers all-terrain vehicles, which are the workhorses of our program. These vehicles are now 8 years old and in need of replacement.
If you are interested in being a part of this wonderful mission opportunity or would like to donate for any of these above items and have questions, please call Jamie Daum (630) 856-2860, or email at
Please reserve your space today! It is important that we have a good count of workers and meals!
Our DEADLINE for APPLICATIONS is May 1, 2018.
Click on the links below:
Donate by Mail
Click here for a donation form. You must have Acrobat Reader to open up this form. It is available at no cost from You may print the form, complete it and put it in the mail, or complete the form while you are online, print it out and put it in the mail.
Donate Supplies
• Arts/Craft Supplies -- Crayons, pencils, markers, craft sticks, craft kits
• Generators
• Horse Feed -- Grain
• Surrey for Horse
• Hay Wagons
• Office Equipment -- TV (flat panel), DVD players, projection screens, video projectors for various locations at the camp
• Printing Services for newsletters, envelopes, postcards, etc.
• Golf Carts (electric or gas, can repair if needed)
• All-terrain vehicles -- Especially needed to get from end to end of the 600+ acre camp.
• Playground equipment -- Commercial for park-type setting
• Conestoga Wagons for Indian Village
• Indian Artifacts, Museum Collections (rocks, taxidermy, etc.)
Your gifts to Camp Akita may be considered for a tax deduction according to due to its status as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Donations given by residents of countries outside of the United States are not tax deductible. (Tax deduction is available for residents of the United States.) Donations given in foreign currencies are subject to variable exchange rates and, in some cases, bank processing fees.​
Thank you so much for considering supporting Camp Akita.
We pray God will in return bless you abundantly!
Be a Missionary
May 30 - June 6
Mission Akita 2018
This will be a work-bee where your gifts and talents can be utilized to continue beautifying Camp Akita and get it ready for the summer season. All with a willing heart and skilled in various areas who could offer a week of their time for hard morning work and fun evening play are needed.
For More information contact Jamie Daum at